2023 癸卯流年住宅提要



八運 (2004-23落成或大翻新) 座北向南 (壬山丙向、子山午向、癸山丁向)
大門及㕑房均在西北方乾宮的八運座南向北 (丙山壬向、午山子向、丁山癸向)
大門及㕑房均在西北方乾宮的八運座東向西 (甲山庚向、卯山酉向、乙山辛向)

八運南北或北南向二黑五黃飛星均落在正東方震宮及西北方乾宮,二黑五黃煞星土性隨著癸卯流年二黑五黃再加疊,若再以此作大門出入、明火煮食或睡房,常言「二五交加而損主」,屬土的病符及災煞自然而然給催動激化,易造成不如意局面。至於八運東西向先天火數七赤與後天火數九紫飛星均落在西北方乾宮,若再以此作大門出入明火煮食,屬土的災煞會被大大激化 (見初一新聞)。雖云八運四正向飛星穩定,但在九紫火運前夕癸卯流年諸君宜先避其鋒,不站危牆為上策。癸卯流年住宅提要



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發表者:Feng Shui Renaissance

I started my quest in Geomancy (堪輿) at youth with my uncle in geographical landscape analysis (巒頭) and later with Master H.L. Ip in The Book of Changes (易經), Flying Star (九宮飛星) & Chinese Astrology Chart Reading (紫微斗數). After graduation in University of Toronto in Quantitative Economics, I had the opportunity to work in various investment banks & had my experience in Geomancy polished on site for the next 20 years. My approach in Geomancy is in landscape & site coordinate matching to attain the overall fine balance in aura. In 2014, I officially started my consultancy work in Geomancy under the name Feng Shui Renaissance for both local & overseas projects which cover Grade A office space and residential units. In 2020, I started my mindfulness product distribution in Nepal singing bowls, Japanese incent, Peru Palo Santo, Thangka painting & Crystal. I am also active on social media in sharing his Geomancy opinion.


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