20cm 生命之樹頌缽 🎼D3 #臍輪 #navelchakra Full Moon Singing Bowl (放鬆身心靈,改善睡眠質素之選)

Whatsapp 90328816 預約試音 Test Trial ,觀塘海濱滙 The Quayside https://www.instagram.com/cmusic_shop/

頌缽(Singing bowl)由金、銀、銅、鐵、錫、鉛、鋅七種金屬手打而成 (不同廠家在成份及用料上或會略有不同)。敲擊頌缽會發出好像唱歌一樣,聲音震動頻率能自然並快速讓人身心放鬆,進入一種「中」的狀態,幫助身體自我療癒、調節及修復,聲頻精微震動率能使不健康或「不對」的細胞頻率重新恢復正常。 頌缽在尼泊爾有幾千年的歷史傳承,由東方的尼泊爾、印度、中國西藏傳播到西方國家,已經發展成為獨具特色的自然療法體系—頌缽聲音頻率療法。頌缽震動的頻率相當於宇宙音,連接意識與潛意識,亦即是身心合一「歸零」的狀態,這也是禪修、修行者的境界。在這個境界下,我們可以開啟自身內在的大智慧、潛能,跟更高的智慧連接。城市人普遍容易有壓力、焦慮、迷茫,頌缽無疑是兼具療效與藝術性的獨特法門。關於這一古老的聲音療癒藝術,現在也應用於醫療失眠、骨骼關節、精神紊亂緊張、抑鬱等症狀,亦可運用其震動音頻淨化水晶及首飾。

#頌缽 #滿月頌缽 #舒緩情緒 #singingbowlhealing #singingbowl #singingbowltherapy #singingbowlmeditation #himalayasingingbowl #meditation #soundhealing #改善睡眠質素 #脈輪療愈 #尼泊爾 #七輪 #靜心冥想 #冥想練習 #fullmoonsingingbowl #聲音治療 #身心靈放鬆 #瑜伽 #六字大明咒 #風水 #詩羽小店 #老缽 #보름달노래그릇 #満月のシンギングボウル #quayside #海濱滙 #樂器 #磬缽 #頌缽尖沙咀 #永安廣場 #cmusicshop

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發表者:Feng Shui Renaissance

I started my quest in Geomancy (堪輿) at youth with my uncle in geographical landscape analysis (巒頭) and later with Master H.L. Ip in The Book of Changes (易經), Flying Star (九宮飛星) & Chinese Astrology Chart Reading (紫微斗數). After graduation in University of Toronto in Quantitative Economics, I had the opportunity to work in various investment banks & had my experience in Geomancy polished on site for the next 20 years. My approach in Geomancy is in landscape & site coordinate matching to attain the overall fine balance in aura. In 2014, I officially started my consultancy work in Geomancy under the name Feng Shui Renaissance for both local & overseas projects which cover Grade A office space and residential units. In 2020, I started my mindfulness product distribution in Nepal singing bowls, Japanese incent, Peru Palo Santo, Thangka painting & Crystal. I am also active on social media in sharing his Geomancy opinion.


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