商舖風水 五之革之火/ Fire the Engine


此例十分「應卦」,做的是改裝跑車生意。八運壬山丙向,坤、離兩宮均見7、9先天及後天火,7亦為兌金,薄如刀刃,易變於火或成水。79 為革,97 為睽,因改裝(革)而矚目(睽),改裝車身門板(7薄鐵;43在乾,敲打之象)及調教引擎,改裝後如火般高速奔馳,惹起艷羨目光(睽)。《玄空秘旨》云:「午酉逢而江湖花酒」,花酒者,玩樂也。兌金之變於革、睽兩卦不只單單是9紫火煉金溶金,重點是在「變」一字(革卦上六,君子豹變)。風火無邊,無形無狀,如何改一部跑車每一趟並不完全一樣,不一定有固跡可遁,所以革卦、睽卦很大程度上亦合廣告創意、聲色犬馬或速戰速決等行業(如時鐘酒店)。7為兌,即說和悅,為破軍之慾(食、色),得25生,亦「應卦」,更何況向頭「陰神遍地」,自然紅粉場中空快樂(《玄空秘旨》)!萬般皆下品,古人崇尚讀書做官,士農工商,對一般「持利器求財」者不予好評,此亦與地元龍逆子切合,一般可理解為「行事需較用力,不遁一般途徑」,非好逸惡勞之選。「做廠」多見壬丙,此乃所謂力不到不為財。

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發表者:Feng Shui Renaissance

I started my quest in Geomancy (堪輿) at youth with my uncle in geographical landscape analysis (巒頭) and later with Master H.L. Ip in The Book of Changes (易經), Flying Star (九宮飛星) & Chinese Astrology Chart Reading (紫微斗數). After graduation in University of Toronto in Quantitative Economics, I had the opportunity to work in various investment banks & had my experience in Geomancy polished on site for the next 20 years. My approach in Geomancy is in landscape & site coordinate matching to attain the overall fine balance in aura. In 2014, I officially started my consultancy work in Geomancy under the name Feng Shui Renaissance for both local & overseas projects which cover Grade A office space and residential units. In 2020, I started my mindfulness product distribution in Nepal singing bowls, Japanese incent, Peru Palo Santo, Thangka painting & Crystal. I am also active on social media in sharing his Geomancy opinion.


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