2020 相宅難/ Tough Call

對租屋自住者而言,流年飛星確是一環重要考量因素。風水古籍常言一宅之「內外事」,列出數量或有多寡,但不外乎大門、主人房和廚房,統稱「門、主、灶」。配上適當流年,當可安居樂業。反之,生死約兩年渡日如年,並多誤以為該宅風水不佳。2020 庚子年二黑病符在離宮(南方),五黃煞星在震宮(東方),選擇租盤確費剎思量,正東震門(五黃土、震宮木相剋;《飛星賦》:寒戶遭瘟,緣自三廉夾綠)、正南離門、西南坤門(四綠木剋坤宮土,《玄機賦》:風行地上,决定傷脾)算不上是可取之選;換言之,來年酉山卯向(坐西向東)、乾山巽向(坐西北向東南)、子山午向(坐北向南)和艮山坤向(坐東北向西南)住宅均需小心選取,相宅者更不可掉以輕心。


伸延閱讀:2020 庚子年時運

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發表者:Feng Shui Renaissance

I started my quest in Geomancy (堪輿) at youth with my uncle in geographical landscape analysis (巒頭) and later with Master H.L. Ip in The Book of Changes (易經), Flying Star (九宮飛星) & Chinese Astrology Chart Reading (紫微斗數). After graduation in University of Toronto in Quantitative Economics, I had the opportunity to work in various investment banks & had my experience in Geomancy polished on site for the next 20 years. My approach in Geomancy is in landscape & site coordinate matching to attain the overall fine balance in aura. In 2014, I officially started my consultancy work in Geomancy under the name Feng Shui Renaissance for both local & overseas projects which cover Grade A office space and residential units. In 2020, I started my mindfulness product distribution in Nepal singing bowls, Japanese incent, Peru Palo Santo, Thangka painting & Crystal. I am also active on social media in sharing his Geomancy opinion.


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