辦公室風水 三之迷思/ Mystical Belief


友人問自己公司可否於2016丙申年內將把相連單位打通進行大翻新,筆者反對。七運未山丑向雙星到座,該單位山星向星與巒頭呼應,若改為八運到山到向,向頭面向走廊,縱是當元,仍比不上天然之水。故一動不如一靜,只在有需要時才動土,保留七運理氣,到九運才大裝修。屆時 99 在坤,雙星又再次到座。假若是年真的要動土,換冷氣即可,勿拆牆,因流年二黑入中五黃在艮,宜靜不宜動。如在丙申年打通單位改由艮門出入,後果可大可小。不讀老子,總是認為動比靜好,不知道法自然,甚麼一定要贏在起跑線上,文理臃腫難辨,荒誕絕倫。<香山>一文云:「角其人工,不合自然。」引用周易巽為風第一爻初六 「進退」來闡釋,聰明的讀者相信會當自明。


【推薦閱讀】 商舖風水

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發表者:Feng Shui Renaissance

I started my quest in Geomancy (堪輿) at youth with my uncle in geographical landscape analysis (巒頭) and later with Master H.L. Ip in The Book of Changes (易經), Flying Star (九宮飛星) & Chinese Astrology Chart Reading (紫微斗數). After graduation in University of Toronto in Quantitative Economics, I had the opportunity to work in various investment banks & had my experience in Geomancy polished on site for the next 20 years. My approach in Geomancy is in landscape & site coordinate matching to attain the overall fine balance in aura. In 2014, I officially started my consultancy work in Geomancy under the name Feng Shui Renaissance for both local & overseas projects which cover Grade A office space and residential units. In 2020, I started my mindfulness product distribution in Nepal singing bowls, Japanese incent, Peru Palo Santo, Thangka painting & Crystal. I am also active on social media in sharing his Geomancy opinion.


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